MoodFX User Guide

MoodFX has new features!

We’ve added a few new features to improve MoodFX!

1. Side-Effects Tracking

MoodFX (pronounced Mood Effects) now includes the option to monitor side-effects to medication(s) for depression and anxiety.  Side-effects can be an important factor when making decisions about treatment.  Side-effects are monitored with the Frequency, Intensity, and Burden of Side-Effects Rating Scale (FIBSER for short), a very brief (3-item), validated scale that’s been shown to be useful in clinical decision-making (refs).

When you do a Mood Check again for the first time, you will be asked whether you take medications for anxiety/depression and if so, whether you would like to monitor side-effects.  You can turn side-effects tracking on or off at any time, under your Profile page.  How much your side-effects cause problems for you will also appear in your History chart.


2. Print a letter for your family doctor

You can now download and print a letter explaining more about MoodFX for your health care provider(s). This can be helpful for clinicians who are not yet familiar with MoodFX and how to use it.


3. Alerts and deactivating your account

As always, you can turn your MoodFX Alerts (text and email messages) on or off at any time, under your Alerts page.  We’ve now added a one-click button to unsubscribe to all Alerts.


For users who decide they want to deactivate their account entirely, you can now do so yourself, under your Profile page.  Please note that account deactivation cannot be undone.  Once you deactivate your account, you will no longer be able to sign in or recover your previous data.


Please note that our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy haven’t changed.  If you have any questions about these updates or MoodFx in general, please send us an email, at


Check out our instructional videos on MoodFX features and how to use them with your health care provider(s).

Features Video 3: Alerts: Reminders, Appointments, & Tips

Features Video 2: My History & Measurement-based Care

Features Video 1: Check My Mood & Share my Results